Welcome to Bones Theatre
655 N. Opportunity Drive
Columbia City, Indiana  46725
Map of the Theatre
Office Phone Number: (260) 244-0051
Email Chris Jones: bonestheatre@outlook.com

Bones Theatre is open Wednesday ($7 ticket day), Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

** during Spring Break, Bones Theatre is open EVERY DAY (Monday 4/7 thru Friday 4/11) **

Click Dates and Showtimes to plan your next visit and buy tickets in advance

or Call 260-244-0051 then choose option 1 to hear Movie Times

Now Playing!   (click for a description of MPAA Ratings)------------(all movies have Closed Captioning and Descriptive Video) 0015


Snow White (PG)

The King of Kings Movie Poster


The Last Supper (PG13)


The Woman in the Yard (PG13)


A Working Man (R)

and Tickets
and Tickets
and Tickets
and Tickets



Bones Theatre is a CinemaSafe theatre - Familiarize yourself with the Guidelines we follow
Read about our GoFundMe campaign

Bones Theatre Gift Cards make a great gift and can be purchased online or at the theatre during normal business hours.
Every week we randomly select 1 email list subscriber to receive 2 complimentary tickets to any movie at Bones Theatre.  Make sure you are eligible to win by signing up for our Weekly Email HERE!

**** If you are already signed up but are not seeing the emails, check your spam folder and also read these instructions. ****
Bones Buckets:  The initial price for the actual Bucket is $20.00. A refill of the Bucket is $6.00. They make great “Welcome to the Neighborhood" Gifts”, “Congrats on the Promotion” Gifts, Birthday Gifts, and Christmas Gifts! Come to Bones Theatre on your birthday and get free admission and a free Kids Combo regardless of your age!
Bones Theatre has a new presence on Facebook and Twitter.

Purchase Tickets Online: Purchase tickets in advance for any current movie.

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